uni 1940s
Howard Sachar

Howard Sachar was an influential writer on Modern Jewish History and a graduate of Uni High. He began his time at Uni as a Freshman, during the year he would join two clubs, Better Boys' Club and Social Dancing. During his sophomore year, Sachar would drop Better Boys' Club, however, he still remained in social dancing. His years at school continued on in a similar way, leaving and joining clubs, in no club longer than 2 years. Some prominent facts during his stay at Uni come during his senior year, for example, he wrote the senior class poem in 1943, showing a proclivity for writing which continued into adulthood.

After Uni Sachar would go on to do an undergraduate degree at Swathmore college, and then get a Master's and Doctorate at Harvard University. He then bounced around to various positions, like Director of the Hillel Foundation for the University of California Los Angeles, and Stanford. Afterward, Sachar would begin the writing and publication of his books, he would end up writing sixteen books, focusing on Jewish History. He was also editor in Chief in the 39 Volume behemoth "The Rise of Israel: A Documentary History"


Washington Post, "Howard M. Sachar, GWU scholar and ‘trailblazer’ of Jewish history, dies at 90"


Senior Quote

"Choice word and measured phrase"

Club Membership

Better Boys Club, Social Dancing, Swimming, Square Dancing, Current Events Club, Glee Club, County Music Festival, Wrestling, Track

Notable Accomplishments

  • Accomplished Writer

  • Various Awards Related to Writibf

  • Harvard College Graduate

Class Prophecy

"Howard Sachar is now at rest at home. He suffered a breakdown while trying to keep up with himself"