
As an integral part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University Laboratory High School’s mission is to enhance the lives of young people through innovative learning, discovery, and public engagement.



University of Illinois Laboratory High School will be the pre-eminent public research university high school for highly motivated students with exceptional academic potential. To attain pre-eminence, we will strive toward:
• Excellence in student achievement, broadly construed;
• Impact through transformational curriculum, pedagogy, and research; and
• Leadership in public engagement and citizenship in the local community, state, and beyond.


Living our Mission and Vision


For students

• Uni provides a supportive, collaborative environment where students can take risks, embrace challenges,
explore curiosities, and engage passions both inside and outside the classroom.
• Uni’s exploratory curriculum is designed to challenge students’ worldviews, encouraging students to navigate ambiguity and collaborate to understand and solve problems using critical thinking and creativity.
• Uni offers opportunities to develop thoughtful, socially responsible, informed citizens and supports student-
led initiatives in the school and in the community.
• Uni values the diversity of our students’ backgrounds, identities, and experiences. We strive to create a kind
and caring community.
• Uni is committed to nurturing the whole student, and we facilitate the development of social and emotional
• Uni students have a great deal of freedom and are given opportunities to grow in self-direction and


For teachers

• Uni supports teachers’ uses of innovative and experimental pedagogy and curriculum with the goal of
transforming teaching and providing opportunities for all students.
• Uni supports teachers’ lab mission activities by encouraging faculty members to collaborate, pursue research and professional development opportunities, and share information with peers and the wider educational community.
• Uni respects academic freedom for students and teachers.
• Uni believes in shared governance between teachers and administrators.


For the University

• Uni is committed to supporting the mission and vision of the University of Illinois.
• Uni collaborates with university faculty to support the university’s outreach activities, including research and
training in secondary education.
• Uni connects students with learning and research opportunities at the university.


For the Champaign-Urbana community

• Uni seeks and maintains collaborations with the local educational community.
• Uni engages with local, national, and global communities.
• Uni offers a small high school option with an emphasis on embracing challenges, exploring curiosities, and
engaging passions