Vikas Dhar Senior Photo

Vikas S. Dhar is a member of the graduating class of 1994. During his time at Uni, Vikas was active in numerous school organizations, including Chess Club, Russian Club, and Students for a Better World, and he wrote movie reviews for the Gargoyle. He sang (fairly off-key) in Mr. Murphy’s chorus and acted in Big Show, as well as the lead role in Wordless Skye, an original student play production. Vikas played soccer for Uni and was voted “Most Hyper” by his senior year classmates. After Uni, Vikas attended Washington University in St. Louis, initially in pre-med. Realizing that his interests lay in English, history, and politics, he earned a degree in political science and then attended law school.

Now an attorney in private practice in Boston for the last 20 years, he specializes in white-collar criminal defense, international extradition matters and securities litigation. He is a past recipient of the “Excellence in the Law” award by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly and has been recognized by Boston Magazine annually for the past 15 years as a “Super Lawyer” in white-collar criminal defense. He has twice been selected by the U.S. Federal Court to serve on Merit Selection Panels to appoint new Federal magistrate judges in Boston and recently served a 5-year term as a Hearing Officer for the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers. Vikas is a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America and his firm’s pro bono work and community contributions have been profiled by Forbes, Boston Globe and CNN.

Senior Quotes

"Be careful what you wish for. It might just come true."  - Dream a Little Dream

"To thine own self be true."  - Shakespeare

"The world was full of things I didn't want to know."  - All the King's Men

"I won't think about that now. I'll think about that tomorrow."  - Gone with the Wind

"I sometimes give myself admirable advice but am incapable of taking it."  - Mary Wortley Montagu

"The only way to have a friend is to be one."  - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"There are places I remember, all my life, though some have changed. Some forever, not for better, some are gone, and some remain."  - John Lennon



French Club

Unique Magazine


Senior Will

I, Catherine Chou, do hereby will Alison L. a neat-o chorus buddy and a cup of apple liquid for days when you don't want to feel like yourself. I leave a big bottomless Cup-O-Spaghetti to Susan R. and leave Amy N. a bucket of bolts for next year's Halloween costume. To Cindy W. I leave my awesome test scores and a paid vacation. To Joyce T. I leave a can of 99% caffeine and memories of carpooling. To Andrew N. I will better hair and a loud "Look! It's Andrew!" To James J. I leave some cool people to hang out with after school. To Jeremy T. I leave a driver's license and some real music to listen to. To Gnat I leave my thanks and appreciation, you've been a great friend. To Tim R. I will my artistic talent and many deep meaningful conversations at 3:00 AM. To Aaron, I leave a hug. To everyone else, I leave a smile.