Sara Silgar and Tom Wiltzius


Sara Silgar
Sleep Deprived History Homework
Tom Wiltzius
Agora Days Web Site

For the first time in history, this year we selected two winners, awarding them each $100 plus assorted paraphernalia.


Sara S.

Sara nominated herself:

Even though self-nomination makes me feel awkward, personal pride and concern for the sad state of your Wylde inbox induced me to nominate, uh, myself. I don't really have any great reason for doing so, other than that I have a tendency to do school assignments in a state of severe sleep-deprivation, and I like to think that the results of this behavior could be considered creative.
We thought so, too. Some examples:
Sara's American Revolution comic strip







From Sara's American Revolution comic strip

Tom Wiltzius

Tom was nominated by two fellow students:

We, Nuole Chen and Roveiza Irfan, would like to nominate junior Tom Wiltzius for the 2005 Wylde Q. Chicken award for his work putting the Agora system online.

Tom spent countless hours creating a database for student schedules in order to make the registration process smoother for students at Uni. Not only did he create the program but he also maintained it, fixing glitches immediately after student complaints.

His work will not only influence this year's students but will also make the registration process simpler and more convenient for future students. He showed unselfishness in his willingness to create the program for others; he himself was unable to be here during Agora days due to his participation in the Habitat for Humanity trip.

Not only was his work helpful and efficient but he spent a lot of his time making the website aesthetically pleasing. After visiting the website, even the least computer savvy person can navigate through the site easily, adding an assortment of reader friendly directions.

We believe that Tom is the best candidate for this award because he took his creativity and applied it in a manner that is beneficial to all students at Uni High.

Sample Pages from Tom's Agora Days Web Site
Click an image for a larger view


Agora Days 1
Agora Days 2

View the live Agora Days site itself